Mrak 11/24 Videos

An attempt by police chief Annette Spicuzza to describe police riot gear as “tactical equipment,” which is met by stories of police brutality from students.

Additional student outrage over the use of riot police, intimidation, and brutality.

Continuing with high energy throughout the night & chanting ‘our university’

Negotiating with Janet Gong and the administration the terms under which we would consider leaving the building. (We were assured that no additional police would be called.  Of course during this negotiation the upper floors and basement of Mrak Hall were being filled with cops in riot gear and the news media were asked to pull back).

The final agreement under which students left Mrak Hall for the night, with a promise to return at the building’s opening tomorrow and continue making our presence know at the administration building.

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Filed under Campuses, Media, UC Davis, Videos & Images

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