The struggle continues…

It’s so important for all of us to remember that the administration would like to placate us by granting small requests but this in no way means that our fight is over.  We will not stop organizing while the UC is being steered down the road of privatization, while fee increases, furloughs, lay-offs, and course reduction continues – we are fighting until education becomes free and is recognized as an undeniable right of all people.  This is a small victory that demonstrates our ability to stand united as a strong bargaining unit but we will continue to fight for educational equity not only at the UC and in the state of California, but in solidarity with all students globally who share our vision and are committed to this fight.


Filed under Campuses, Statements, UC Davis

2 responses to “The struggle continues…

  1. Pingback: Second Mrak Occupation at UC Davis is a Milestone « Student Activism

  2. PumpedUpAndReadyToGO!

    It’s time to take the message to Sacramento.

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